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400 posts total

wait why is your actual physical mailing address on ur website, ur getting evicted


no you don't need an ai you just need an autistic {boy,girl,enby}friend to infodump at you. this is how you obtain information

i will never trust calls from withheld numbers. like if you're calling about something important you should let me see your phone number. if you don't want to show me your phone number then don't fucking phone me use something else
anyway it's always funny when i get a caller id withheld call and i put the google assistant screening thing on it and they just hang up lmao
i just misread "#noai" as "#noyaoi" and got really upset for like half a second

this is gonna be hyperspecific but i hope fedi can figure something out

i want to stream audio from my linux devices to my iPhone's (or iPad would work but iPhone preferable) audio output with as minimal latency as possible (so that means in descending order of preference, wired, bluetooth, wifi)

iOS lets me hook up my CIs to my phone and it works amazingly
every other OS (desktop or mobile) sucks with this (and linux is the desktop OS with the best support lmao)

i want to stream the audio from my arch desktop (or fedora 41 framework) to my phone which relays it to my ears
interestingly my phone somehow manages to short circuit half the bluetooth audio stack and latency from my phone to my ears is faster than the video half the time so i just need to find a low latency solution for the other half

audio codec gets compressed to 16KHz stereo at some stupid low bitrate in the end so i probably won't hear any difference

please boost if you don't have any ideas :3

#accessibility #iOS #linux #audio

this is gonna be hyperspecific but i hope fedi can figure something out

i want to stream audio from my linux devices to my iPhone's (or iPad would work but iPhone preferable) audio output with as minimal latency as possible (so that means in descending order of preference, wired, bluetooth, wifi)

iOS lets me hook up my CIs to my phone and it works amazingly
every other OS (desktop or mobile) sucks with this (and linux is the desktop OS with the best support lmao)


I wonder if linux audiophiles are a thing.

"plain ALSA sounds warmer than pipewire"

"linux kernel compiled with ALSR makes for a more chaotic high end"

"ext2 sounds better than ext4"

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Adderall girl grindset (Jes) we all know btrfs compression sounds a bit bitcrushed compared to pure FAT32 which as we all know is the closest to a record player

wwweehhhh i need to be carried by a tall girl 🥺🥺🥺
actually doesn't even need to be tall
if there are Any Girls who want to pick up winter (literal goddess) now is your chance!!!!!!!

@winter two for one deal!!!!!! just pick us both up, no negative consequences!!! plenty of meows!!! both very pickup-able!!! so adorable!!!


fun autumn fact: you can pick me up!!! no consequences!!! pick me up and take me home!!! please!!! i am small and light, just pick me up and i'll be yours!!!

@null fun winter fact!!!!!! i can be picked up too and taken anywhere!!!! what if autumn and winter multipack so we can both be picked up and taken around places
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