I wonder if linux audiophiles are a thing.
"plain ALSA sounds warmer than pipewire"
"linux kernel compiled with ALSR makes for a more chaotic high end"
"ext2 sounds better than ext4"
fiona now uses another profile:
fiona :loading: on mystical.garden fionaage:
mid twenties
pro™ nouns:
your worst nightmares
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⚠️ moving to @fionafokus ⚠️ i hate it when computer, but sometimes i love it when computer feel free to send a follow request @fiona is also me |
@vidister analogue warmth (raspberry pi audio jack)
Find out here: https://jimlac25.inria.fr/ :reisen_smug::blobcathero:
@vidister@chaos.social we all know btrfs compression sounds a bit bitcrushed compared to pure FAT32 which as we all know is the closest to a record player