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SaaS (snuggle as a service)

£0 pcm


why can’t i just walk up to a transmasc creature and hold [ Q ] to trade hormones with them


pocket sammy
pocket sammy

despite their height (tall), pocket sammy can still comfortably fit in any pocket!

a jacket pocket, with a pocket sammy being 25% inside the pocket and 75% out 

pocket sammy is a piece of receipt paper that has sammy’s current profile image (Lain fox), and “pocket sammy” above and below it

didn’t realise iOS has gone WOKE and has a PRONOUN field in contacts 😡😡😡😡 what do you mean my dear friend Yassie has NO PRONOUNS they got theirs STOLEN in the streets of birmingham along with their GENDER 😡😡😡😡

iOS “phone” app screenshot of a contacts editing page. 

contact photo is Yassie’s current profile image 
First name is Yaseen
Last name is Labyzone

mobile number is +447700900927. this number is in the ofcom “dramatic number” range reserved for fictional numbers and are not allocated as real numbers.

there is a “add pronouns” section with many many drawn purple circles around it.

île de france (mobilitiés) question:

Is the only difference between a Navigo day /weekly ticket and a Paris Visite ticket being the former doesn’t cover airports?

a weekly ticket is €32 and a Paris Visite ticket is €15/day at best, but they seem to all cover “all zones”…

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