ive been using the miku cursor for a bit and its really fun how i look at my screen and theres miku
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I checked at the start of the month, and Exeter is now seeing people who joined the list in 2017. I worked out that means I might only have 12 years left to wait :/ @dee wait is this for fucking real? i think this might be my "nearest" GIC (67 miles away lmao), so holy shit why would I bother with legal HRT lmao. Like the reviews are shockingly bad on Google + this, holy shit. @winter don't think there's a single girl that i've met on this platform that isn't so cute >.< i got a new coat :3 and it has those hand warmery things built in which are basically fingerless gloves which makes it extra gay :>
@winter at least it's not poison damage from Hammersmith&City (i went on that line once and oh god it was so yellow and disgusting) winter is a machine that turns waking up at 10 into still only just getting 8 hours of sleep
i still have not had a compelling argument made to me zhat access to porn hurts under-18s i clicked on a dodgy link when i was like 8, i went ew gross, i closed the tab. im fine i do not want to zhink about what a teenage boy turns out like if zhey have zero access to sexual material until zheyre eighteen Hi everybody, and welcome to the Shrek in the Swamp karaoke dance party!
shoutout dvd extra features lol i think dvd css (content scramble system) is so funny because it can be brute forced on a fucking pentium in like a minute did they really not even try to make it secure lmao
yyayyyyy :> tyy — automatically syndicated from https://winter.entities.org.uk/anonmsg/viewmsg.php?id=791
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