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dee, love and enby

"Welcome to the GIC, Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust waiting list"

It has taken over a year to get to this point.

As of October 2024 there are 16,538 people on the waiting list, and approx 100 people receive their first assessment each month... the waiting list then, is 165 months long, or put plainly 13.75 years.

The news talks about NHS waiting lists, but always overlooks this one.

13.75 years.

I'm very happy to be on the list, but honestly the majority of trans people in the UK are DIY or using a private provider for a reason.

Boosts welcome, people should know what trans healthcare looks like in the UK.

Yuna 14 years is so long, my heart goes out to all trans people that are stuck on the waiting list and can't access DIY ​:blahaj_hug:​

Here in Belgium waiting lists for gender teams range between 3 months to like 2 years. Which is a lot better of course but still way too long.
There are organisations working to expand/promote informed consent. Legally your regular GP is allowed to prescribe and follow up HRT, but most of them are not willing to do it. So much more people could be helped if the government focused less on constantly gatekeeping trans people 🥲 14 years is so long, my heart goes out to all trans people that are stuck on the waiting list and can't access DIY ​:blahaj_hug:​

Here in Belgium waiting lists for gender teams range between 3 months to like 2 years. Which is a lot better of course but still way too long.
There are organisations working to expand/promote informed...

Chloé Raccoon

@dee @darac Last time I checked the waiting list for the GIC I used to attend was quoted as "infinite"



I checked at the start of the month, and Exeter is now seeing people who joined the list in 2017. I worked out that means I might only have 12 years left to wait :/

Autumn (Null) :neofox:

@dee wait is this for fucking real? i think this might be my "nearest" GIC (67 miles away lmao), so holy shit why would I bother with legal HRT lmao. Like the reviews are shockingly bad on Google + this, holy shit.

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