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234 posts total
the evil sophari™

every post from dansup reads like he's on linkedin bragging about his illegal hiring practices

the evil sophari™

i am not going to birmingham, even tho yeen is there

the evil sophari™

i cast explosion spell upon england

the evil sophari™

they will absolutely not let me thru customs in a pakige to birmingham

Spas Kolev

"Patience in explaining security issues and their implications on privacy and risk to non-technical audiences"
Quite a progress, I remember that time when Tim Starling just removed all admin rights in Bulgarian Wikipedia (although quite deservedly) :)))

Alex Rock

@bogo They will receive hundreds and hundreds of applications, I guess only the wikimedia/mediawiki/wikipedia experts can be hired 😅

the evil sophari™

​:boost:​ Boosts appreciated! <3

Salut, ma situation de vie risque d'être compromise dans les semaines à venir, et je cherche quelque part pour retomber sur mes pattes. Je vis actuellement en Ardèche, et il me faudrait un logement temporaire entre quelque semaines et 2 ou 3 mois dans les environs (Alès, Aubenas, Privas, Montélimar, Lyon, etc etc) ou sur Paris ou Rennes. Ce serait le temps que je trouve du boulot et que je récupère de l'argent pour trouver un logement du côté de Rennes.

Rien n'est sûr encore, et j'ai un toît sur ma tête pour la semaine prochaine en tout cas. Merci beaucoup de vos partages (svp demandez moi avant de partager ça autre part) <3

#mutualaid #transmutualaid

​:boost:​ Boosts appreciated! <3

Salut, ma situation de vie risque d'être compromise dans les semaines à venir, et je cherche quelque part pour retomber sur mes pattes. Je vis actuellement en Ardèche, et il me faudrait un logement temporaire entre quelque semaines et 2 ou 3 mois dans les environs (Alès, Aubenas, Privas, Montélimar, Lyon, etc etc) ou sur Paris ou Rennes. Ce serait le temps que je trouve...

the evil sophari™

this but im sitting on a couch and my puter is set up on the coffee table

gaymer shrimp in a gaymer chair  by Kaleidoscopekai  on tumblr
the evil sophari™

i think we should make every hex screw use the pattern of a unique snowflake for every screw and only make 1 driver for each screw. this will benefit society immensly

the evil sophari™

its based on a stm32, where does that cost come from?? im confused

the evil sophari™

île de france (mobilitiés) question:

Is the only difference between a Navigo day /weekly ticket and a Paris Visite ticket being the former doesn’t cover airports?

a weekly ticket is €32 and a Paris Visite ticket is €15/day at best, but they seem to all cover “all zones”…

the evil sophari™

i think sharkey should add every feature that smith has

the evil sophari™

i would never have thought to be friends with someone on an arpa domain while on a vkontake federated software myself

the evil sophari™

i think the frontend for this site would've been better if it was an spa made with react and it started running like shit if you had it open for longer than an hour without refreshing

Frost, Wolffucker 🐺:therian:

@imtired Mastodon's actually IS an SPA made with react... it's surprisingly not-shit though

/unlike/ Bluesky

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