every post from dansup reads like he's on linkedin bragging about his illegal hiring practices
every post from dansup reads like he's on linkedin bragging about his illegal hiring practices Wikipedia is looking for brave #php developers to help their mission. It's #remote Staff" Senior: #getfedihired @bogo i think we should make every hex screw use the pattern of a unique snowflake for every screw and only make 1 driver for each screw. this will benefit society immensly île de france (mobilitiés) question: Is the only difference between a Navigo day /weekly ticket and a Paris Visite ticket being the former doesn’t cover airports? a weekly ticket is €32 and a Paris Visite ticket is €15/day at best, but they seem to all cover “all zones”… i would never have thought to be friends with someone on an arpa domain while on a vkontake federated software myself i think the frontend for this site would've been better if it was an spa made with react and it started running like shit if you had it open for longer than an hour without refreshing @imtired Mastodon's actually IS an SPA made with react... it's surprisingly not-shit though /unlike/ Bluesky |