for your personal use, counter-strike source true/false reactions authored by yours truly im sorry but if you folreq an account labelled as 'moved' 'on another instance' im calling you an npc Should the #curl project get themselves an official mascot? Anonymous poll
245 people voted. 177
Voting ended today at 10:24.
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proposed mascots so far include: - beaver @bagder C lion is an IDE by Jetbrains, might want to avoid that particular spelling.
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@julialuna I have it (the exact one from the image) and it's called Tiburcio :BlobhajTinyHeart: Experiment
Anonymous poll
I can improve in some aspects
I am as good as i will ever be right now it's only downhill from here
0 people voted. 0
Voting ended yesterday at 1:59. thanks, i stole them from the president Why do you claim this icon for yourself? What if any influences do you cite for this? i would love to know
(I would appreciate boosts for reach on this, i don't exactly follow many moths on here, and if it reaches those outside of my circles all the better) also the 'remember this device' button will do nothing and youll be logged out everywhere after 15 mins of inactivity |