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230 posts total
the evil sophari™

why does masto not show code blocks bruh

the evil sophari™

I've been seeing hate on NASA lately, being bought into by leftists even, and I just want to point out something very important:

Musk has hated NASA for a *long* time. There is a reason it is being attacked, and a reason public opinion is being swayed against NASA: It *keeps SpaceX in line* more than anything else.

NASA is being seen as "competition" to SpaceX, as the obstacle in his way. It has been like this for quite some time, and now, with DOGE and other things, he can do something about it.

I would like to point out a few things:

They boast they can "do what NASA does for 10% the cost!" Sure, it's easy when you did none of the R&D.
SpaceX saved on:
Landing tech: DC-X project in 1991-1996
Tank structure: Shuttle SLWT tank, 1998-2011
Merlin Engines: direct descendant of the Fastrac Engine, 1997-2001.

Those three things alone saved SpaceX over 90% of the R&D costs. It's easy to "appear" cheap when you're using off the shelf tech someone else (NASA!) developed.

For every $1 spent on NASA, $8 is put into economy. Its stupid to not invest in that kind of ROI! 800%! At times, its ROI Has been 1600%!

Simply put, if you defund NASA, the economy would shrink so much you would actually have to RAISE taxes to make up for the lost revenue, and without its existence we would be 30 years behind in technology and the quality of life for everyone would be much lower. Science and research is GOOD for society, it's the fuel for all progress.

3. WHAT HAS NASA DONE FOR ME?! (Surely you just mean NASA is good for tech & science folk....)

Nope! Good for all!
Ever have an MRI or CAT Scan? They wouldn't exist without the Apollo program! The software that made them possible was originally written to analyze lunar photography.

Low power digital x-Rays was planetary body research.

Heart pumps are modeled after space shuttle turbopumps.

The software that designed your car was originally written to design spacecraft!

Who do you think pioneered all the early research into alternative power like solar panels, hydrogen fuel cells, and durable batteries? NASA!

NASA developed tech and satellites is also what improves agricultural yields while reducing the needs for water, fertilizer, and pesticides.

Do you really think Musk gives two shits? No. He wants the money, he wants to let SpaceX run amok without any oversight for safety, without any "competition".

All fights are important, but do realise that this one is a huge thorn in his side, and one that is keeping a huge problem from ballooning and swallowing us all whole.

Do not be fooled or swayed by lies, of tactics meant to divide, of things being done to make you be angry at NASA. If he can make you hate NASA, he won.

Expect far more space junk to fall, the night sky to be ruined by satellites, and the loss of all things good that proper research and design does for humanity and gives back to the world. Not to mention: enjoy seeing the horrible things he can accomplish fully unchecked.

ETA: Now that you know, call / fax / email your senators and reps, and whatever else too! Boosting gets people thinking, but thinking is not action!

#SpaceX #nasa #space #earth #science #technology

I've been seeing hate on NASA lately, being bought into by leftists even, and I just want to point out something very important:

Musk has hated NASA for a *long* time. There is a reason it is being attacked, and a reason public opinion is being swayed against NASA: It *keeps SpaceX in line* more than anything else.

The A1 test stand at Stennis, which on this day did a full burn test of the redesigned RS-25 engine. 

The A1 is a vertical firing single position stand, meaning it holds one rocket engine at a time in an upright position with thrust directed downward. You can see the RS-25 engine in the stand, there is a truck and a large van for some scale. 

The NASA logo (meatball) is proudly displayed on the upper right of the stand.
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Mandar Vaze (desipenguin)

@sunguramy I'm not American, so I can't directly affect this (But boosted this toot, doing my part)

Genuine Q from non-american :
Worst case scenario, lets say Musk "wins" - is it possible to undo his deeds after 4 years ? (Assuming he is able to do all this because he has backing of Trump, who can't return after these 4 years)

the evil sophari™

Les usagers de la RATP : Avec tous ces incidents on nous prend vraiment pour des pigeons !
Les pigeons parisiens : Y a quoi ?

Pigeon déambulant dans une voiture de métro en marche
the evil sophari™

ask dot absturztau dot be isnt listed on absturztau dot be smh smh

the evil sophari™

did u miss me or do i have to be more teto

the evil sophari™

still can’t believe that dotfiles being hidden is a thing because the goofballs at bell labs wanted to hide . and .. in ls, so they implemented it as

if (filename[0] == '.') continue;
the evil sophari™

me when i have to explain the caesar cipher:

you know what fuck you, *rotates each element by math.random()*
the evil sophari™

never stop flashing! bc when you do the board wont reboot grrr

the evil sophari™

I transitioned to become a hot woman, and all I got was a surprisingly in-depth knowledge of endocrinology and medical advocacy. Oh, and a constant burning rage.

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@therivercrow currently busy transitioning into a FUCKING PROBLEM


@therivercrow You also got the hot woman bit down too because dayuuuuuum! ❤️

Rachel Evans

@therivercrow Congratulations on your transition to Wrath!

the evil sophari™

Bonjour fedi!

Je cherche des témoignages / à discuter avec des personnes trans qui ont effectué une vaginoplastie, de préférence en France, mais tout retour d'expérience m'intéresse!

Je demande car j'ai pour le moment entendu plutôt du mal des opérations faites en France. Je cherche du coup à voir ce qu'il en est, voir si ça vaut le coup d'envisager de le faire en France pour moi :3

Le boost rend le poil soyeux :3

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Dr. Camille

@efyre j'ai fait ma vagino à Rennes, immense banger. On peut en discuter si tu veux

Emma Scarpone

@efyre Salut ! NMJ à Lyon en 2019, je ne sais pas s'il prend encore des gens en liste d'attente actuellement mais si tu souhaites un retour pas de souci !

miraculous enbybug

@efyre J’ai fait une vagino à Lille en septembre 2020, j’en suis très contente. Si tu as des questions n’hésite pas (je pourrais répondre ici, j’ai plein de caractères sur mon instance)

the evil sophari™

anyway, PSA for austrian trans people who didn't change their name in ÖBBs system i guess:
ÖBB doesn't allow you to change your name easily
you can do that anyway if you open devtools, find the input element for the first name, and just remove "disabled="""
you can just click save and... it saves correctly.


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@schrottkatze I am forever reminding my devs that the backend should treat all Input like it's coming from a third party using our API for their product.

Sophie Schmieg

@schrottkatze have you tried changing any elements likely to go into the WHERE clause of the SQL?

Although, if that turns out to allow you to change other people's names, you get the ethical conundrum of disclosure possibly also fixing the other client side validation "feature".

Dan Kortschak

@schrottkatze This is the happiest-making thing I've seen today.

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