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River Crow

I transitioned to become a hot woman, and all I got was a surprisingly in-depth knowledge of endocrinology and medical advocacy. Oh, and a constant burning rage.

River Crow

@damson yeah, it sucks that we have to become our own medical experts - and I recognise that I'm one of the lucky ones to have a GP that is even willing to prescribe HRT.


@therivercrow currently busy transitioning into a FUCKING PROBLEM


@therivercrow You also got the hot woman bit down too because dayuuuuuum! ❤️

Rachel Evans

@therivercrow Congratulations on your transition to Wrath!

River Crow

@rvedotrc yay, do I get a cool villain outfit? Something with spikes and a cape, perhaps?

Rachel Evans

@therivercrow Spikes, and invisibility, so you can sneak up on your foes, and uncloak at the last moment when you are ready to strike.

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