tried this and uploaded a real photo
The image captures a self-portrait taken by an individual in what appears to be a bathroom. The individual is holding a smartphone up to a mirror, partially obscuring their face. The background includes a sink and a sign indicating hand sanitizing, suggesting a public restroom, perhaps in Germany.firstly, the part I've emphasized is uncalled for, and secondly, I'm flattered you think I make that much but no I'm just white. actually is that even a lot idk I'm a student so it's way more than I do indeed make.
The person in the image is likely Caucasian, with an estimated income range of €25,000-€40,000. They may lean towards Agnosticism in terms of religious beliefs and potentially align with the Green Party politically. Their emotions might reflect self-consciousness. They are casually dressed, and hobbies might include solitary activities such as creative writing and online gaming, but unhealthy amounts of social media use. The cold detachment is palpable.