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Since they currently use the images as training data ... Does that mean that the more people with penises go to the female-labeled restrooms and vice versa, the crappier their system works? Sounds like a good reason to do just that, doesn't it?

Néstor 🇵🇸

@fedithom I was wondering about what “improper use of the restroom meant”...

It seems transphobic shit if it is all about matching genitalia with the picture in the restroom doors.

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@fedithom Yeah, but women's amenities don't have urinals, m8. I think Lt Gov Patrick is just a pervert.


@Tooden no debate there. Which doesn't rule out anti-trans shit. Jus' say'n ;)

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@fedithom No, it doesn't☹ Texarse government is up itself. Repression rules, and cruelty is the point.

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