Since they currently use the images as training data ... Does that mean that the more people with penises go to the female-labeled restrooms and vice versa, the crappier their system works? Sounds like a good reason to do just that, doesn't it?
Since they currently use the images as training data ... Does that mean that the more people with penises go to the female-labeled restrooms and vice versa, the crappier their system works? Sounds like a good reason to do just that, doesn't it? 5 comments
@fedithom Yeah, but women's amenities don't have urinals, m8. I think Lt Gov Patrick is just a pervert. @fedithom No, it doesn't☹ Texarse government is up itself. Repression rules, and cruelty is the point. |
@fedithom I was wondering about what “improper use of the restroom meant”...
It seems transphobic shit if it is all about matching genitalia with the picture in the restroom doors.