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Amata :verified_genderqueer:

@LeatherCubAndrew Having humans see something does things machines cannot. I recommend learning about Apollo 17 for why humans > robots for exploration. The series produced by Tom Hanks "From the Earth to the Moon" episode 10 covers it well. (A wonderful series, actually.)

To ask "why explore" is...well, a whole thing in and of itself. Why do I go into caves to learn about it's history, geology, the life that calls it home, instead of sending a robot to do it? One could ask that for anything, not just space. Why do you do your job, instead of having a machine or so-called-AI do it for you?

Humans are a part of nature, a part of the universe, and curious about it. :)

1 comment

@sunguramy @LeatherCubAndrew Well this is only kinda true. Robotic spacecraft offer much more bang for the buck than manned missions. Human exploration simply isn't worth the money at the moment and they can get to places and cover more ground than humans. Human exploration in space is mostly about sex appeal to the public. What really returns science are the unmanned missions yet they are often under most budget pressure.

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