Can confirm from the cis side that what @oddtail says about cis people is true. Like I don't even have strong genderfeels as a cis woman, nor am I super femme, but I would never ever willingly transition. Can't speak for all cis people obviously and there are outliers and exceptions in every group, such as heavy trauma from misogyny leading to a cis girl wanting to be a man--the detransitioners terfs love to use for scaremongering, but the truth is most who detransition aren't cis but rather nonbinary. However, it is by far not the definitive experience of a cis person to want to transition or be indifferent about transition, we will fucking fight the idea that we are anything but our assigned gender. If that doesn't describe you then it's definitely worthwhile to explore, at your own pace and chosen intensity, what might be up with that.