@green@iro_miyaMetaphorphoses is the magnus opus of some Greek poet… I think Odiv? Ovid? But it it is a “retelling” of the creation of the world until just before the period contemporary to the author (ie around 40-ish BCE when Ceasar was deified in the Pantheon). From the first poem onwards, it has A LOT of “transformation”, wherein people are changed into constellations, or objects, or plants, or animals, or had their sex changed or whatever (and sometimes non-human things into humans).
@green @iro_miya Metaphorphoses is the magnus opus of some Greek poet… I think Odiv? Ovid? But it it is a “retelling” of the creation of the world until just before the period contemporary to the author (ie around 40-ish BCE when Ceasar was deified in the Pantheon). From the first poem onwards, it has A LOT of “transformation”, wherein people are changed into constellations, or objects, or plants, or animals, or had their sex changed or whatever (and sometimes non-human things into humans).