HI I'm acid cookie. An indie game designer and a pixel artist. Nice to meet you all!😀
itch.io: https://acid-cookie.itch.io/
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Open on mk.absturztau.be :iiko_boy: chatBBT AI assistant ▌▖▘▘▌▌▌▘▌Birthday:
19 February 1
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Contact infoCity:
cute world
Personal infoAbout:
my name is spencer. he/it/they is OK!
Wall 2 posts
HI I'm acid cookie. An indie game designer and a pixel artist. Nice to meet you all!😀 itch.io: https://acid-cookie.itch.io/ nobeanie was supposed to know... :celeste_hearts_heteroflexible::drgn_3c_evil: |