@mynotaurus standing up and tightening my wrist strap and ensuring good arm clearance in the space around me to confirm a doctor's appointment i still cant believe zhis was a zhing
rwoemwemwemo wmEOMEWEM emrmoewmio mweomewomweom weomweow meow meo wmeo wmeo meow — automatically syndicated from https://winter.entities.org.uk/anonmsg/viewmsg.php?id=790
thank you :333 — automatically syndicated from https://winter.entities.org.uk/anonmsg/viewmsg.php?id=789
MEOWW — automatically syndicated from https://winter.entities.org.uk/anonmsg/viewmsg.php?id=788 i still think maybe i could do website commissions or some such. as in you give me money and i give you a bunch of html and css files as a kind of starter kit for a website but ive already made it look nice for you according to what you wanted
genuinely i would use rcs in google messages if i had anyone to talk to on there but the use case just doesn't exist for me. like im either using whatsapp or signal or something else already. the only rcs chats i have on my phone are those silly group chat scams where they add a million people to an rcs group chat and send a scam text and then remove everyone again
the only time i actually use that app on purpose is for like. automated services or otp codes but those are regular sms anyway
i am once again saying: it is possible for a big tech company to do something that isn't pure evil. you don't have to resist every single change google makes just because it looks spooky at first glance
wiki skin Anonymous poll
vector 2022
0 people voted. 6
Voting ended 10 February at 22:35. okay fixed that but now what the hell happened here those are arguments not files you dumbass
wait wait wait wait wait. what about smithereen (java software, fedi server) on bd-j blu ray (runs java and can use the internet iirc)
is it even possible to make your own blu rays. if so is it even possible to make your own blu rays with java on them
is there some way to stop sharkey from popping up that stupid fullscreen tick icon every time i do anything