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Today at ~13:20 I came out to my german professor-turned-friend as a furry

On slide 11 I was doing a general introduction, and I asked her if she had any questions.

She said, "let me guess. cat."

And that was the moment I switched to slide 12 with perfect timing

Slide 11: I am a furry now
- cope
- Actually since last September
- >160 members in student org
 Self-describe as “spiritual furry” with so-called “financial responsibility”
- $ 51.66 spent to date

Slide 12: Fursona: Mosfet
- Black cat
- Sounds familiar?
- [ Redacted with "bf" ] is also furry, causality unknown
Fig 2. Depiction of my fursona.

the slide deck relevant to the conversation

Slide 7
Recap: Zine from 231
- 5 anthropomorphic animals depicted
- 2 depictions of myself as an animal
Fig 1. Illustrations from my Zine.

Slide 8
- “[Pelz und Pfoten] sind […] toller als die Haut und Hände”: should raise eyebrows

Slide 9
[Intentionally sloppy Word Art] IIMPORTTANT personality update

Slide 10
I am a furry now
- cope

Slide 11
- Actually since last September
- >160 members in student org
- Self-describe as “spiritual furry” with so-called “financial responsibility”
- $ 51.66 spent to date

Slide 12
- Fursona: Mosfet
- Black cat
- Sounds familiar?
- [partner] is also furry, causality unknown
Fig 2. Depiction of my fursona.

Slide 13
50% of my total creative energy will be diverted to This Stupid Cat
[Intentionally bad chart] Fig 3. Pie chart that shows 50% of my total creative energy being diverted to This Stupid Cat

Slide 14
Flyer Spammers Task Force
- Spammed 8 buildings on North
- 4 on Central
Fig 4. Poster design for furry club. Credit: Rix.

Slide 15
[Intentionally sloppy Word Art] thakn you for listebibng

ok now that i think of it slide 7 and 8 might have given it away


and also I presented the slides on my epaper badge thing so no one saw it coming when i pressed a button and went "alright bestie we doing a presentation"

i am only becoming more unhinged



german professor-turned-friend as a furry

I knew it!


@Foxarc idk she showed me her sketch book just moments prior and the most recent one was doodles of foxes


@mosfet Lol, love her reaction hahaha
She clearly knows you

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